Tuesday, September 19, 2006

sorry for taking so long off. I'm sure there is a name for a blogger who starts and quits pretty quickly. I'll include some pictures from breadbox's performance in Cincinatti...

Since my last post... Samuel had a great time at camp. In his words "I got a little sad, but I didn't cry." He had lots of great stories and is looking forward to next year.

the boys have gone back to school (9/5). They seem to be doing pretty well. Samuel's migraines have bothered him again a little lately so if you could keep him in prayer that would be great.

My friend Matt from breadbox got a job with our sound engineer Dan so God answered that prayer.

My Uncle Jack Way who is the sweetest man I know in the world has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He is currently in Little Rock, Arkansas undergoing tests and eventually treatments that will likely include Chemotherapy and possibly a stem cell transplant. He has been widowed twice with his most recent wife passing just a couple months ago in a car accident. He has been a lifelong minister of the church of Christ in small towns in Oklahoma. He's now retired and wants to move in with my cousin Allen near Atlanta, GA.

My Aunt Alma (Jack's baby sister) and Uncle Neal Chaffin visited us last week from Gainesboro, TN. It was great spending time with them again.

Last week I also met with another family from Children's Hospital of Michigan who's son Zachary is waiting for a new heart. This is something I do from time to time - kind of like counseling. I just share our experience with Samuel as we weren't given much hope and look how good he's doing - Praise God! I'm just trying to make sure they keep their hope alive. Mom and dad are Joe and Carrie. Please keep them all in prayer.

breadbox got a new bass who joined us in his first concert yesterday so I'll include a picture or two from that. The second one is inside the church (Metro Central church of Christ in Detroit) during our performance. Our families said this was the best they'd ever heard us. God is really blessing this ministry. I don't think I've ever officially introduced the guys - I'm on the left, then Mark Phelps who is a youth minister at Livonia church of Christ (has his own blog), then Sherman who is a worship leader at Metro Central, then Keith Billingsley who still sings with us despite moving to Columbus, Ohio and attending Alum Creek church of Christ, then Jim McCardell who works with our worship ministry at our church (Trenton church of Christ) and then Matt Miller who attends Rochester church of Christ.

Sue is still laid off from Taylor Schools and it doesn't look good that she'll be called back. We've been in prayer and a door may be opeing. She interviewed at the boy's school (Creative Montessori Academy - a charter school) this morning for a 4th - 6th grade class. Please pray that this comes through if it is God's will.

Lastly - my car acted up again today. this time it's the radiator - $550 OUCH! That will make over $3,000 in repairs over the past year or so. Sometimes I wonder why I don't just get a newer car and make payments. Then I remember that I don't want another car payment. when do I give up on it?


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