Monday, November 13, 2006

I haven't posted about Uncle Jack in a while and no news was good news :-)

He is hopefully in his last week of treatment in Little Rock (University of Arkansas Medical Center) just in time to be done for Thanksgiving - something we will all be thankful for.

I don't think I made this clear before, but he is doing his treatment mostly as out patient, but since he is about 240 miles from home (Wilburton, OK) he is staying in a hotel in Little Rock. Different members of his family have come to stay with him and look after him during this treatment. I think he and his two sons plan on Thanksgiving in Newcastle, OK at my cousin Mike's and then moving Uncle Jack to Powder Springs, GA to live with my cousin Alan. Here is his journal entry from last night...

My son, Mike, is now staying with me. He lives in Newcastle, Oklahoma. I am required to go to the hospital seven days a week. They take my blood pressure, temperature and oxygen level. They took four goblets of blood for chemical tests. Then they put two sacks of blood into my system (taking one hour per sack). They then dripped one sack of platelets--another 30 minutes--and finally a sack of anti-biotics which took 30 minutes.
We were there from 9:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.. From there we went to lunch and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon. I am hoping that all of that will bring my count up to where I will not be nupinic (without immunity). I will find out in the morning.
We worshiped at Pleasant Valley Church of Christ this morning. It is a very pleasant congregation and the worship was very conservative and the sermon was very up-lifting. Thanks for your prayers, love and for keeping up with my progress. I am still planning to be in Oklahoma this weekend. I will let you know if it doesn't happen.


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