Thursday, January 18, 2007

December 28th marked the first anniversary of Sue's grandma Faye's graduation from this life (shown here with her great-grandkids on her birthday in 2004). We miss grandma very much.

There is a prevailing thought that most folks don't get along too well with their in-laws. I must have nearly the best in-laws a guy could ask for. Bob and Rita are always there when we need them, but never butt in to our business unless we ask them to. Bob retired from Ford where he was an electrician and is very handy when it comes to do-it-yourself fixes that I am horribly dificient at. They are both retired and live close and often watch our kids for us. Here is a picture of Rita with her grandkids also from her birthday in 2004.


Blogger DataScore said...

Good Morning Steve. I am Marilyn McGee from the N. Broadway Church of Christ in Mt. Clemens Michigan. We will be having our home coming program the weekend July 9th 2011 and we want Bread Box to be our featured group. It this possible? Please contact me at or 586-231-0560. I prefer the phone call but will respond to your email. Thanks

Marilyn McGee

6:57 AM


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