Thursday, January 18, 2007

December 25th this year (yes Christmas Day) my mom's "Uncle" Joe Way (he was actually my grandpa Ben Way's cousin) also graduated from this life.

I don't claim to be able to judge where people are once they leave this life, but Joe and Sue's grandma Faye were pillars of faith in their families and if they aren't in heaven I don't know who will be. I thank God for their spiritual influence in my life.

Since Joe passed at Christmas time I was able to drive down to Tennessee with my mom and brother Norm and spend the holiday week with most of my mom's family including my Uncle Jack Way who is currently in remission from multiple myeloma. Others included my Uncles Von and wife Clara Jean, Auburn and wife Sandy and Dave and wife Linda (who live in my neighborhood) and my aunt Alma Chaffin and husband Neal. My cousins who were there included Kim and wife Sandra (Von's son who put us up in their home), Alan (Jack's son) and Teneal Jenkins (Alma's daughter who now runs the pharmacy in Gainesboro, TN).

Joe and his wife of 70 (yes I said 70) years Aline were long time members of the church I grew up in - the Sunset church of Christ in Taylor, Michigan. Joe served as an elder most of the time I can remember until he moved "back home" to Tennessee about ten years ago. Because of that they were more like grandparents to me since mine passed away when I was pretty young. They had such an obvious love affair. Aline is heart broken to lose her partner and best friend. She is still very sharp and can recall every moment they ever spent apart. She also knows the bible as good as anyone I've ever known. One of her grandkids used to sing in breadbox with me. His name is Dave Combs and he now lives in the Winston-Salem / Greensboro area of North Carolina with his wife Connie and their three kids. He gave her a Bible trivia game as a gift some time ago and later asked what she thought of it. She said something like "Oh it's pretty good, but they got a couple answers wrong"!

Dave and his sister Gina Cavanaugh and brother Matt (who helped Jim and me start breadbox) were all very close to me growing up. Since they lived in the area they were some of my closest cousins even though our grandpas were actually first cousins. Matt and his wife Missy now live in Springhill, Tennessee and Gina lives in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. It was good seeing all of them and spending time with their families.


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