Monday, February 05, 2007

This weekend I had the privilege of being a part of an awesome praise and harmony recording session. We took a group of eight from Trenton church of Christ (Denise Morton (left) and Nikki Sarkody (right) pictured here, Eric King under them, then me below him - thanks Jem) to participate with around 200 other folks in the chapel at Madison church of Christ in Nashville. The series is produced by Keith Lancaster who founded The Acappella Company. We were recorded by Gary Miller who is the best at what he does. I was able to be a part of the first recording in this series that came out a couple years ago and it was even better with a group from my own church - just a little taste of heaven. Last time I joined up with a group from Dayton, Ohio. You can read more at Keith Lancaster's blog . You can buy the first project and hear clips here

I must also put a shout (pun intended) out for a new Christian alternative to MySpace. It's called shoutlife. You can visit breadbox's site here

We've already gotten a local oportunity from our page that was just created Tuesday.

Well it is extrememly busy at work today so I should stop and get some work done ;-)