Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Samuel turned eight yesterday. Birthday's are a big deal to an eight year old, but Sam's are HUGE to our family. My wife Sue reminded me of a conversation we had with Dr. Walters back in 1999. It was sometime in May that we met with him. Samuel had been listed for a heart transplant and if one became available in time Dr. Walters would be his surgeon. He said something like "This isn't a cure (having a heart transplant). This is only a temporary fix. It could last eight weeks, eight months, eight years." Well if you saw Sam today (and you did - he's in my picture) you would never know he had been so critically ill. God is good, all the time.

I will take this opportunity to promote organ donor awareness. You can't take your organs with you and you could save someone's life. Be sure your family knows your desires. Sign up on your state's organ donor registry. If you want more details about our first months with Samuel, please go to the web-site set up by our donor family - Claine's Corner. The Loomis' are a wonderful, faithful Christian family who gave us a gift we can never repay at the worst moment in their family's life. God is good, all the time.


Blogger Gem said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Sam!!! I didn't look at my church calendar, obviously!

8:29 PM


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